For general inquiries and further information, please contact us:
PO Box 795 - 191 Lillooet Ave, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia
Canada V0M1K0
(604) 819-7706
The TREE HOUSE is located on the shore of Harrison Lake, B.C. Canada. This vacation rental is boat access only. We offer water transportation as part of our services. We are situated near the mouth of the Harrison River, just a 10 minute boat ride from the dock at Harrison Village by the world famous Harrison Hot Springs Hotel and Resort.
From Vancouver (allow 90 minutes): Follow the Trans Canada Highway (Highway 1) east past Chilliwack and take the 135 Exit. Follow the signs to Harrison Hot Springs . Looking for a leisurely scenic route take Highway 7 along the north side of the Fraser River past Mission and follow the signs to Harrison Hot springs.
From Vancouver International Airport (allow 2 hours): Take Highway 99 south to Highway 10 thru Langley following the signs to Highway 1 east to Hope. Stay on Highway 1 until exit 135 and follow the signs to Harrison Hot Springs.
From Kelowna (allow 3 hours): Take Highway 97C to Merritt, at Merritt head south on the Coquihalla, Highway 5 to Hope and then follow Highway 1 to Exit 135. From there follow the signs to Harrison Hot Springs.
From Seattle (allow 3 hours): Follow Interstate 5 north to Bellingham, take Exit 256A and Highway 539 (Guide Meridien) north to Lynden, turn east (right) and follow the signs to Sumas and the border
Shortly after crossing the border take the Highway 1 east, follow the highway past Chilliwack to Exit 135 and follow the signs for Harrison Hot Springs. Please remember to bring your Passport or enhanced drivers license.